Part #TL125

4C Timing Belt Tools Rental

Timing Belt Tool Kit 4C - 2 Week Rental

If you're performing the critical timing belt service on your 4C, you want to have the proper tools on hand.

This kit includes all of the factory tools prescribed in the workshop manual:

1860898000 (flywheel lock)
200033501 (cam locks)
202740090 (timing template)

See our part number TB211 for our 4C timing belt kit, and part number WP201 or WP201OE for 4C water pump.

Price is for a 2 week rental period, and includes prepaid and insured Fedex return shipping. A security deposit of $500 will be charged at the time of rental, and refunded when tools are returned. If tools are kept longer than 2 weeks, a fee of $25 per week will be deducted from the security deposit refund.

NOTE: Timing belt rental fee will be refunded upon return of tools with the purchase of Timing Belt Kit (part number TB211) and Water Pump (part number WP201 or WP201OE).

2 Week Rental Price: $125.00

Security Deposit: $500.00


Status:Out of Stock


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